The Pope: is he holy?

THE POPE: Is he Holy?

By Rev. Fr. Petros Mwale (Mzuzu Diocese – MALAWI)


“Fr. Petros, am not Catholic nor do I intend to become one but have been following your faith based teachings on social media. I have this question: Why do Catholics call their leader (the Pope) HOLY FATHER? How holy is he? Is this not blasphemy, for God only is Holy – Exodus 15:11.” – Stevens (Livingstonia University – MALAWI ).

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Dear Stevens, it is very true that only God is holy by his very essence (1 Sam. 2:2), however, by a person, place, or thing’s association with God, it too can be called holy. To be called holy is to express the idea of consecration (Lev. 11:44-47), that someone or something belongs to God. That is why the Bible can call many persons, places, and things holy.


  1. Old Testament

In Genesis 28:16, the place God appears is “holy.” In Exodus 19:6, God tells the Israelites through Moses, “and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” God’s dwelling place in the Tabernacle is “holy” (Ex 28:43), as is the city of Jerusalem (Is 48:2). Even a goat, the victim of sacrifice to God, is called “holy” in Leviticus 10:17.

  1. New Testament

After Christ’s death and resurrection the Christians called themselves and each other “holy ones” or “saints,” called by God to be his (Rom 1:7). In 1 Peter 1:16 we read, “it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.’”


Since we are His holy people, and His people are the Church, it is fitting that the head of His holy people be called Holy Father—not because of his own merit, but because Christ died for him and for the Church that he leads on earth. He is Holy Father in his role as spiritual father of the entire Church on earth (Mat. 16:18, John 21:17).

Receive my Priestly Blessings from St. Cecilia Catholic Parish (Mzuzu Diocese – Mpherembe)

Rev. Fr. Petros Mwale – Feedback: +265884150185 (WhatsApp only)


Bokenkotter, Thomas., A Concise History of the Catholic Church. New York: Doubleday, 2004.

Kerr, William Shaw., A Handbook on the Papacy. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1950.

Barry, Rev. Msgr. John F., One Faith, One Lord: A Study of Basic Catholic Belief. New York: William H. Sadlier, 2002

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