Sunday of Saturday? Day of worship


By Rev. Fr. Petros Mwale (Mzuzu Diocese – MALAWI)


“Fr. Petros, should Christians worship on the Sabbath (Saturday) or on the Sunday?” – EDGAR BAYANI (LILONGWE).

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Dear Edgar, in the Holy Bible, we read, “So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it because on it God rested from all the work that He had done in creation.” Genesis 2:3 “Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8.

Because of this, some Christian religions, such as the Seventh-Day Adventists and Seventh-Day Baptists condemn those who worship on Sunday instead of Saturday. They say that God has ordained that we worship on the last day of the week, Saturday, the day of rest and not on the first day of the week, Sunday.

So truly, why do Christians worship on Sunday? Dear reader, if you were asked by someone, could you provide a valid reason for Sunday worship?


1) Early Christians worshiped on Sundays.

In the Holy Bible, we read that the disciples of Jesus were plucking heads of grain and eating them on the Sabbath when such was forbidden under Jewish law. (Mt. 12:1-8; Mk. 2:24-26; Lk. 6:1-5) “Now that day was a Sabbath. So the Jews said to the man who had been cured, ‘It is the Sabbath; it is not lawful for you to carry your mat.’ But he answered them, ‘The man who made me well said to me, ‘Take up your matt and walk.’” (John 5:10-11)

From the above passages, we see that Jesus did not set strict restrictions regarding the Sabbath. In fact, Jesus proclaimed Himself as the Lord of the Sabbath. “Then He (Jesus) said to them, ‘The Son of Man (Jesus) is lord of the Sabbath.” (Lk. 6:5) Therefore, it is up to Jesus to determine what can and what cannot be done on the Sabbath.

Saint Paul informed the Colossians that they should not be disturbed by those who condemn them for observing the Sabbath. “Therefore do not let anyone condemn you in matters of food and drink, or of observing festivals, new moons, or Sabbaths.” (Colossians 2:16-17)

Why did he inform the Colossians not to be disturbed because of their worship on Sundays? It is because from the early days of the Church, Christian worship took place on Sundays, not on Saturday. This was implemented to recognize who the Christians were. The Jewish people worshiped on the Sabbath in the Synagogues. The Christians worshiped on Sundays in their homes, in the catacombs, any place that was convenient and safe.

2) The Resurrection was on a Sunday.

Jesus resurrected on the Sunday, not on the Saturday. Through the glorious Resurrection, Jesus elevated the Sunday as a day of importance, it having become “the Day of the Lord.” Jesus could have resurrected on the Saturday, but He chose the Sunday. Surely, this was a sign to the Apostles during the early days of the Church.

And so the early day Christians met on Sunday to worship. “On the first day of the week, when we met to break bread (Sunday Mass), Paul was holding a discussion with them: since he intended to leave the next day…” (Acts 20:7)

Did you know that the origin of the Church collection on Sunday is in the Holy Bible? “Now concerning the collection for the saints: you should follow the directions I gave to the churches of Galatia. On the first day of every week, each of you is to put aside and save whatever extra you earn, so that collections need not be taken when I come.” (1 Cor. 16:1-2)

3) Pentecost Sunday.

The Holy Spirit chose to come to the Church on the Sunday. (Acts 2:1-13)


Therefore, those who worship on the Saturday, they do not recognize the tradition of the Church since its early days. They do not consider the day of Jesus’ resurrection as an important day that should be remembered every week. Nor do they consider the Coming of the Holy Spirit to the Church on a Sunday as a worthy gift to be remembered every Sunday. Now you know why Christians worship on Sundays.

Receive my priestly blessings from St. Cecilia Catholic Parish (Mpherembe)

Rev. Fr. Petros Mwale – Feedback +265884150185 (WhatsApp)


Donato, Christopher John; Perspectives on the Sabbath, London: B & H Publishing Group, 2011.

Bauckham, R.J; “The Lord’s Day”. In Carson, D. A. (ed.). From Sabbath to Lord’s Day. Zondervan: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 1982.

Darrow, Clarence; Closing Arguments: Clarence Darrow on Religion, Law, and Society. Ohio: University Press, 2005.

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